Monday, May 3, 2010

Einstein's, Home Depot and Yard Work

Wow, what a weekend. I was in Home Depot three times in one day. Which reminds me, I haven't looked them up on Facebook. Guess I should start to "like" Home Depot since I'm spending so much time there.

No running, but I worked my butt off. I don't think I've ever been so grimy! Digging in the dirt and pulling out roots all day. Landscaped most of the front yard and it looks amazing. No more grass to mow, Florida friendly plants, a stone pathway and lots of pine bark. That was one of the things on my "to do" list while off, and I've completed it (with help) before my "official" time off even started. This morning I finished the butterfly garden in the backyard. Moving right along. For a split second this morning, I worried I'd complete everything more quickly than I'd thought, and that I'd be bored. Not a chance!

Back to the weekend. I spent way more money than I should have...but most of it was budgeted. Cashed in my AmEx points for Home Depot gift cards.

And on the food front...not much in the way of bargains, although I did get a bagel and shmear completely free. Thank you Einsteins! I didn't even purchase coffee to go with it, thanks to this 90 degree weather. I later made up for it by paying full price for two Chick-fil-a meals. We were ravenous after all that yard work!

Sunday, I spent a little time looking up and following some of my favorite chains on Facebook. Interesting seeing the different approaches. Einsteins definitely seems to be taking this thing seriously. They are offering coupons right and left and posting pretty often throughout the day. However, many of their posts seem to be dealing with technical issues regarding printing of the coupons. Working out the kinks. That's ok least you are posting and taking care of your customers. And thanks for another free bagel. No trouble printing for me!

Nothing on the Chick-fil-a page. And they don't seem to be posting. I'll keep checking. Diet Dr. Pepper was a huge disappointment. Hoping they will make it up to their very loyal fans or self proclaimed addicts by doing something soon. Carrabba's actually offered a free mini dessert for "liking", but you had to create a post to share. Interesting...and fairly effective from what I can tell. You can bet I claimed my free coupon.

I cut out my coupons from the newspaper on Sunday and searched the circulars for great deals, but couldn't really find much. Let me clarify...couldn't find much that I needed or wanted. The two most exciting things were the rebate on the Perdue Chicken Short Cuts. Free!! And the P&G coupon offer. Buy $50 worth of their products, submit receipts and send in for $100 worth of coupons. Since I save receipts, I'd already racked up enough. I'm wondering, however, if the coupons are better or different from the ones they just published in the circular. Lots of work for coupons that you're unsure of what they're for. It's like a grab bag...don't know what you're getting. Hope it works. Will report in once they arrive.

If anyone has any tips or great deals they want to share, jump right in! I'm off to work on a mosaic project for the backyard.

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